dimanche 31 août 2008
L'interview que je vous propose aujourd'hui est assez "punk" puisqu'il est avec le groupe américian " eleventyseven " . ce groupe a été formé en 2002 par les 3 amis Matt , Jonathan et Caleb . le groupe a démarré plus ou moins underground et puis il est devenu un des meilleurs groupes du rock chrétien . J'ai eu l'idée de faire une interview avec eux aprés avoir vu leur clip qui m'a bien plu . l'interview je l'ai fait avec leur chanteur Matt Langston .
It's a big and immense pleasure to talk with you . so , let's start by introducing the band , eleventyseven , to the tunisian rockers . First of all , why did you choose this name "eleventyseven" ?
when i was younger i had a dream that my grandfather gave me a clock that controlled all the spirits of woodland creatures. in my dream i abused this power and forced to several animals to seek out revenge on some one i disliked. the clock was destroyed and as the numbers from the clock fell to the ground they formed the word "eleventyseven".
speaking about the music , your music style is defined , sometimes as a christain rock and other times as a punk rock or pop punk . can you give us the right defenition ?
we have never cared what we were defined as. we are labeled as "christian" because we are on a christian record label. We do not, however, believe that one can label a person's music as "more christian" than someone else's. We just love playing music and that what we do.
you have started by playing on your high school , and now you have become a worldwide band . was your career so hard ?
our career has always been extremely challenging, but because of that, we appreciate what we have much more and are honored to be able to do it for a living.
in your career , there were many remarquable concerts and shows such as " the logan show " . can you tell us how was this experience important to your band ?
doing tv shows like logan's is always fun. we love being able ot hang with our friends and just be able to enjoy the studio crowds.
and what other shows were so important to you ?
one of our favorite shows ever was a festivla called PUNK SPRING in tokyo. we got to play with a lot of bands we listened to growing up like rancid, and bowling for soup
let's talk about the music now , have you made some covers before composing your own titles ?
we have always tired to play all original music. sometimes we'll cover a backsdtreet boys song or two just for fun.
and what are your influences and favourite bands ?
mxpx, blink 182, are big ones for all of us. I would have ot say my personal influences were nintendo games and disney movies.
who is your compositor ? is it a hole band work ?
i usually do the writing and programming, then bring the songs to caleb and jon for us to do live.
your lyrics are described as "thrid wave emo" . have you any comments about this point ?
not really. i am constantly growing as writer and observer of life in general, so i think the topics and points of veiw change from album to album.
and how was the stability of your lineup important to your band ?
it was crucial. we have been together for almost 7 years now, so we know how to handle each other and how to make it work
are you preparing something for the future ?
more touring. a new record, and hopefully familes one day.
we are tunisians so we have to ask you if you have an idea about the arabian rock/metal scene ?
no, but we're always interested in new kinds of music from over seas.!!!
finally , i have to thank you . it was a great interview ;)
thank you so much !!
vendredi 22 août 2008
Metallica : sortie d'un titre du prochain album
Le groupe américain de thrash métal , metallica , a publié hier le titre " the day that never comes " qui sera dans le prochain album , disponible en écoute sur le myspace et sur le site metallica.com .
comme attendu , le titre est fabuleux ! l'ambiance de metallica est toujours la même , du pure thrash métal . le dernier solo de guitare n'est pas loin de celui de ONE .
encore 20 jours avant la sortie les gars !
dimanche 17 août 2008
Interview Avec P-TROLL
L'interview que je vous propose cette fois est avec un groupe de hard à la française : P-TROLL . Le groupe à la ACDC et à la musique "déjantée" présente des chansons du hard un peu old school avec un chant en français et des paroles plus ou moins "sex and drugs and rock 'n' roll " . Leur sens d'humour s'est présenté durant toute l'interview , tout en restant sérieux biensur .
C'est un immense plaisir de vous parler tant que représentant du groupe P-TROLL . Avant tout , pourriez vous vous présenter ??
Ben notre groupe s'appelle P-TROLL , on est français et on joue du hard rock ! Et maintenant , on est Eric le batteur et Seb le guitariste .
Sur votre myspace , vous avez indiquer que votre genre et le rock /métal , mais n'importe quel auditeur , ayant écouté vos titres découvrira que ça tend plutot vers le hard rock . Vous en dites quoi ?
Eric: euuh oui c'est du hard rock mais le rock et le métal se réunissent chez ACDC , motorhead et iron maiden .
c'est ce qu'on veut dire et en plus nous avons des morceaux hard comme louise et d'autres plus métal comme fat bottom.
Seb: au début quand j' ai commencé a écouter de la musique il n'y avait pas encore toutes ces appellations ...il n'y avait que le hard rock avec des groupes tels que ac/dc ,deep purple etc..puis le heavy metal est venu avec accept ,saxon, maiden ,motorhead, metallica ,anthrax ...et nous, on a grandi avec tout ça ,donc ça fait partie intégrante de nos influences .
La création du groupe était comment ??
Eric: déja puissante (même si moi je n'étais pas la ! ) je connais les membres du groupe depuis plus de 15 ans .
Seb: On se connaissait tous depuis longtemps et on avait déjà joué ensemble dans divers autres groupes de blues et de rock du coin,puis un jour on s'est réunit en se disant "et si on faisait un truc ou on se lâche juste à l' énergie , à l' instinct", et ça a collé de suite
Dans l'une des magazines françaises , on a vu le titre " P-TROLL ... La musique déjanté " est ce vraiment le cas ??
Eric: ouuuuuuuuuuuuuaiiiiiiiiiis sur scéne ,ça déchire ! mais bon aprés tout on est un groupe pas des humoristes .
Seb: c'est a dire qu'on n'a pas trop envie de tomber dans des clichés a la con et puis surtout on ne se prend pas au serieux. de toute façon on est tous déjantés ,donc on ne peut pas le cacher ,ça se ressent . c'est quelque chose de naturel !
Dans vos chansons , on remarque une certaine originalité même que les sonorités sont parfois habituelles . Pouvez vous nous parler de la composition de vos chansons ?
Seb :ça vient comme ça, y'en a un qui part sur une impro , un autre qui dit une grosse connerie , un autre qui dit ça serai bien pour le refrain et hop on envoie la sauce et on bosse jusqu a ce que ça ressemble à quelque chose de concret ...et si c'est bon , on garde , on ne se prend pas la tête ,c'est assé instinctif et primitif en faite même si ça demande un effort de groupe important .
Eric :généralement un effort de groupe plus ou moins laborieux . on cherche "le bon titre" et aprés on s'y accroche comme des mouches sur une grosse merde !
Avez vous commencé directement par composer ou vous avez fait quelques reprises d'autres groupes avant ??
Eric: On n'a pas fait trop de reprises . En faite , on trafique tellement les titres que ça devient plutot du P-TROLL
Seb :Ouais l'idée de base était de faire un groupe de compos, on a assez mangé de reprises avec nos anciens groupes , mais il arrive parfois exceptionnellement qu'on se tape un petit motorhead, un led zep ou un rose tattoo pour faire plaisir a des potes.
Concernant les paroles , on remarque qu'ils obéissent largement à la règle sex and drugs and rock'n'roll . jusqu'à où celà est vrai ??
Eric :non il faut creuser .. bon , certes il y a du sex and troll mais nos titres sont construits comme des bd , il y a un scénario et des persos ( louise , el butcher , le son of a bitch , le fat bottom ect )
sinon on ne se drogue qu'a la biére et au pinard ! (rire)
Seb ;On part souvent d'une idée a la con et puis on développe .
Vos concerts , est ce qu'ils étaient tous locales ou vous avez jouer en dehors de la France ??
plutôt locaux, mais tout est en train de se changer .
Et la réputation de votre musique parmis les gens , vous la qualifieriez comment ??
franchement on touche aussi bien les gosses de 10 ans que les mecs de 60, c'est vraiment cool !
On entend le plus souvent dire que la France a une culture plutot rock que métal . Votre avis à propos de celà ?
franchement ,la france n'a surtout pas la culture rock...rien à voir avec les pays du nord de l'europe ou les etats unis mais ça change petit a petit .........les jeunes ecoute moin de johnny hallyday et plus d'ac/dc, dagoba ou gojira et donc , on avance .
Finalement ,je vous remercie et je vous pries de me donner une petite fin
merci a vous , on aimerai bien faire suer le rock'n roll chez vous ( un merveilleux pays !)
et surtout ..." ecoute un peu p-troll ...ecoute un peu p-troll"
mardi 12 août 2008
Interview Avec EPICA
Si vous aimez le métal , la musique classique ou les "soundtracks" des films , vous aimerez surement epica . Je crois qu'un tel groupe ne nécessite pas une présentation de chez moi , un groupe qui a du talent , un groupe qui fait un musique assez recherchée , un groupe qui n'est pas mal connu partout dans le monde , un groupe qui compte parmi ses membres de vrais musiciens , un groupe , certainement , pas comme les autres . L'interview je l'ai eu avec le guitariste et le chanteur Mark Jansen qui a bien accentué la ponctualité et l'esprit professionnel d'EPICA .
L'interview est en anglais . J'allais le traduire comme pour les autres en français , mais j'ai pensé à ce que le vrai sens des répliques sera plus ou moins perdus .
Wael : It's a big and immense pleasure to talk with you ; mark jansen , the grunter , growler , guitar player and the compositor of epica . Let's start , we know that epica is a symphonic metal band , but if we ask you to give us your own presentation , you will say ?
Mark: I will say a gothic metal band. Not because I think this covers it all but because it's the most common name for our style of music.If I have more words to describe I often say, symphonic filmmusic with operatic vocals combined with metal and grunts.
Wael : So let's talk about music , your music is a "symphonic metal" but we find many other influences like the latin and the oriental music . So how can you define it ?
Mark: The more you travel the more yu get in touch with other cultures, that's very interesting and also interesting to put it into your own music. I like many different kinds of (oriental) music and it's great to use it in our own music as well.
Wael : And how is oriental music important to the ex-"sahara dust " ?
Mark: That's why our first name was sahara dust, because of the many oriental influences. But because of the departure of our first singer we decided to change our name.
Wael : In the lyrics , we remark also that you critisize mythism and extremism . more informations about this ?
Mark: I don't like to see that there are more and more contrasts between people while it would be better to come closer to each other and learn from each other. Instead people get frightened of each other. It's a pity. Extremism is the extreme result of this fear and gets dangerous. Extremism is never good. The best intentions can have dramatic results. The wordt actions in history often happened because people thought they were fighting for justice. But who knows for sure who is right and who is not?
That's why we should learn from each other, every culture has its own whisdom.
Wael : You have only 4 albums but more EPs and singles . Can we know why do you prefer to make More EPs than albums ?
Mark: Our former Record company liked to release singles. I prefer albums above singles.
Wael : And what album or song was the closest to your personality ? to your feelings ? points of view ?
Mark: Consign to Oblivion, it contains almost everything what I am.
Wael : If we talk about band members , we discover that main epica's problem , if we can say , was the drummer . Is it really hard to find a drummer that can assume epica's necesities ?
Mark: Now we have the perfect drummer. Arien joined us one year ago after the departure of Jeroen Simons. It took a while before we had a new drummer as we set the level incredibly high. Arien drummed on the album but could not join us in the beginning, but no drummer could match his standard so we were very happy that Arien decided to join us after all :)
Wael : One of your last concerts was with the hungarian symphonic orchestra in which you have played some classical songs and soundtracks in a metal version . can you tell us more about this experience ?
Mark: It was a great experience! All these classical masterpieces played by the orchestra and us. It was amazing. It was also the longest setlist we ever did! 3.5 hours.
Wael : You have only 4 albums but more EPs and singles . Can we know why do you prefer to make More EPs than albums ?
Mark: Our former Record company liked to release singles. I prefer albums above singles.
Wael : And what album or song was the closest to your personality ? to your feelings ? points of view ?
Mark: Consign to Oblivion, it contains almost everything what I am.
Wael : If we talk about band members , we discover that main epica's problem , if we can say , was the drummer . Is it really hard to find a drummer that can assume epica's necesities ?
Mark: Now we have the perfect drummer. Arien joined us one year ago after the departure of Jeroen Simons. It took a while before we had a new drummer as we set the level incredibly high. Arien drummed on the album but could not join us in the beginning, but no drummer could match his standard so we were very happy that Arien decided to join us after all :)
Wael : One of your last concerts was with the hungarian symphonic orchestra in which you have played some classical songs and soundtracks in a metal version . can you tell us more about this experience ?
Mark: It was a great experience! All these classical masterpieces played by the orchestra and us. It was amazing. It was also the longest setlist we ever did! 3.5 hours.
the whole classical setlist and after that a long Epica setlist with 2 encores!
Wael : And what other concerts were really important to your career ?
Mark: The one in Tunisia I'll never forget too. It was so overwhelming to see the reaction of the crowd, people were crying at the front rows. So full of emotion as we were the first international metalband coming to Tunisia. We hope to be return as soon as possible.
Wael : And what other concerts were really important to your career ?
Mark: The one in Tunisia I'll never forget too. It was so overwhelming to see the reaction of the crowd, people were crying at the front rows. So full of emotion as we were the first international metalband coming to Tunisia. We hope to be return as soon as possible.
There are more concerts that were very special but it's more or less 30 shows that have been very important for our carreer.
Wael : Can we have some informations about epica's next album as a gift for our webzine , dark interviews ?
Mark: it will be a long album again,'the songwriter is in full process. I am very satisfied so far. Very challenging songs, and lots of creativity.
Wael : Can we have some informations about epica's next album as a gift for our webzine , dark interviews ?
Mark: it will be a long album again,'the songwriter is in full process. I am very satisfied so far. Very challenging songs, and lots of creativity.
I hope we can match the level of the divine conspiracy as it was our mist high standard album so far. But I'm confident we will.
Wael : Is there any other symphonic metal bands or projects that you like ?
Mark: I love Opeth! Great music and also lots of creativity.
Wael : And have you an idea about the tunisian and arabic metal scene ?
Mark: I am in contact with some guys from underground metalbands in Arabia. I hope metal will be accepted by arabian governments as there is still a lot of misunderstanding about metal.
Wael : If you weren't in epica , what would you may be doing now ?
Mark: I would have become a professional cyclist.
Wael : finally i have to thank you for your understanding and comprehension . thank you mark!
Mark: Thank you too!!!
Wael : Is there any other symphonic metal bands or projects that you like ?
Mark: I love Opeth! Great music and also lots of creativity.
Wael : And have you an idea about the tunisian and arabic metal scene ?
Mark: I am in contact with some guys from underground metalbands in Arabia. I hope metal will be accepted by arabian governments as there is still a lot of misunderstanding about metal.
Wael : If you weren't in epica , what would you may be doing now ?
Mark: I would have become a professional cyclist.
Wael : finally i have to thank you for your understanding and comprehension . thank you mark!
Mark: Thank you too!!!
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