dimanche 31 août 2008


L'interview que je vous propose aujourd'hui est assez "punk" puisqu'il est avec le groupe américian " eleventyseven " . ce groupe a été formé en 2002 par les 3 amis Matt , Jonathan et Caleb . le groupe a démarré plus ou moins underground et puis il est devenu un des meilleurs groupes du rock chrétien . J'ai eu l'idée de faire une interview avec eux aprés avoir vu leur clip qui m'a bien plu . l'interview je l'ai fait avec leur chanteur Matt Langston .

It's a big and immense pleasure to talk with you . so , let's start by introducing the band , eleventyseven , to the tunisian rockers . First of all , why did you choose this name "eleventyseven" ?

when i was younger i had a dream that my grandfather gave me a clock that controlled all the spirits of woodland creatures. in my dream i abused this power and forced to several animals to seek out revenge on some one i disliked. the clock was destroyed and as the numbers from the clock fell to the ground they formed the word "eleventyseven".

speaking about the music , your music style is defined , sometimes as a christain rock and other times as a punk rock or pop punk . can you give us the right defenition ?

we have never cared what we were defined as. we are labeled as "christian" because we are on a christian record label. We do not, however, believe that one can label a person's music as "more christian" than someone else's. We just love playing music and that what we do.

you have started by playing on your high school , and now you have become a worldwide band . was your career so hard ?

our career has always been extremely challenging, but because of that, we appreciate what we have much more and are honored to be able to do it for a living.

in your career , there were many remarquable concerts and shows such as " the logan show " . can you tell us how was this experience important to your band ?

doing tv shows like logan's is always fun. we love being able ot hang with our friends and just be able to enjoy the studio crowds.

and what other shows were so important to you ?

one of our favorite shows ever was a festivla called PUNK SPRING in tokyo. we got to play with a lot of bands we listened to growing up like rancid, and bowling for soup

let's talk about the music now , have you made some covers before composing your own titles ?

we have always tired to play all original music. sometimes we'll cover a backsdtreet boys song or two just for fun.

and what are your influences and favourite bands ?

mxpx, blink 182, are big ones for all of us. I would have ot say my personal influences were nintendo games and disney movies.

who is your compositor ? is it a hole band work ?

i usually do the writing and programming, then bring the songs to caleb and jon for us to do live.

your lyrics are described as "thrid wave emo" . have you any comments about this point ?

not really. i am constantly growing as writer and observer of life in general, so i think the topics and points of veiw change from album to album.

and how was the stability of your lineup important to your band ?

it was crucial. we have been together for almost 7 years now, so we know how to handle each other and how to make it work

are you preparing something for the future ?

more touring. a new record, and hopefully familes one day.

we are tunisians so we have to ask you if you have an idea about the arabian rock/metal scene ?

no, but we're always interested in new kinds of music from over seas.!!!

finally , i have to thank you . it was a great interview ;)

thank you so much !!

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